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Automotive Trainer donation to 45 Vocational Schools as Pudak Scientific's CSR program

PUDAK SCIENTIFIC's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program has received a very positive response from the Government, in this case, from the West Java Province Education Board, Vocational Education Tripartite. This time our CSR Program was intended universally for the Secondary Education Level to improve the quality of education at Vocational Schools (SMK) in West Java Province.

Together with the West Java Province Education Board, we want to build the learning spirit of Vocational School students so that they can fully absorb their education and training program.

45 Vocational Schools (SMK) have received Automotive Trainer donations to help improving the learning process in their schools. These donations were done from July 19 to July 25, 2012.

On July 19, 2012, the West Java Province Education Board and 11 Vocational School headmasters visited our factory site at Gedebage, Bandung, to attend the delivery of donation ceremony. Continued on July 20 (8 schools), July 23 (11 schools), July 24 (13 schools) and July 25 (2 schools).

Those 45 Vocational Schools (SMK) that received the Automotive Trainer donations were:

  1. SMK Bina Maslahat
    Jl. Raya Purwakarta No. 21, Desa Mandala Mukti, Kec. Cikalong Wetan Kab. Bandung Barat
  2. SMK Bina Siswa 2
    Jl. Ranca Panggung
  3. SMK LPPM 1 RI
    Jl. Nilem Barat No. 49, Bandung
  4. SMK LPPM 2 RI
    Jl. Cidawolong No. 7, Majalaya, Kab. Bandung
  5. SMK Bina Pemuda
    Jl. Raya Cihampelas No. 17, Ds. Cihampelas, Kec. Cihampelas, Kab. Bandung Barat
  6. SMK Pusat Teknologi
    Jl. Raya Cililin (Manapa) Desa Karang Tanjung, Kec. Cililin, Kab. Bandung Barat
  7. SMK LPPM 4
    Jl. GA Manulang No. 132
  8. SMK Wyata Dharma
    Jl. PLTA Cirata Km. 1 Desa Ciharashas, Kec. Cipeundeuy, Kab. Bandung Barat
  9. SMK Tunas Bangsa Ngamprah
    Jl. H. Gofur No. 162
  10. SMK Karya Pembangunan
    Bandung Barat
  11. SMK LPPM 2, Majalaya
    Jl. Cidalowong No. 7, Majalaya, Kab. Bandung
  12. SMKN 1 Sagaranten. Kab. Sukabumi
  13. SMK Lodaya
  14. SMK PGRI Cimalaka
    Jl. Anggrek No. 99, Kab. Sumedang
  15. SMK Bhakti Nusantara
    Jl. Anggrek No. 119, Ling Pengapuan Heubeul, Kel. Situ, Kab. Sumedang
  16. SMK Merdeka
    Jl. Pahlawan No. 54, Kec. Cibeunying, Bandung
  17. SMK Perintis Kampung Saluyu (Sompok)
    Katapang, Kab. Bandung
  18. SMK Al Mufti
    Jl. Kh. Jaenal Mufti, Desa Wanakerta, Kec. Purwadadi, Kab. Subang
  19. SMK Merdeka
    Jl. Citaliktik Sindangwargi, Desa Soreang, Kab. Bandung
  20. SMK Industri Mandiri
    Jl. Raya Kosambi Km. 12,5, Duren – Klari, Karawang
  21. SMK MUhamadiyah Kota Baru
    Jl. Raya Parakan No. 71, Cikampek Utara Kota Baru, Kab. Karawang
  22. SMK PUI Majalengka
    Jl. Suma No. 478, Kab. Majalengka
  23. SMK PGRI Jatisari
    Jl. Raya Sukamaju Jatisari, Karawang
  24. SMK PGRI 1 Karawang
  25. SMK Samnus
  26. SMKN 1 Palasah
    Jl. Raya Jatiwangi, Palimanan Km. 5, Ds/Kec. Palasah, Kab. Majalengka
  27. SMK Korpri Majalengka
    Jl. Raya Tonjong – Pinangraja Km. 1, Tonjong, Kab. Majalengka
  28. SMK Korpri Karawang
    Jl. Alteri Tangjung Putra Klari, Karawang
  29. SMK Tridaya Budi
    Jl. Raya Kasokandel, Kec. Kasokandel, Kab. Majalengka
  30. SMKN 1 Majalengka
    Jl. Raya Tanjong Pinangraja No. 525, Kab. Majalengka
  31. SMK Harapan Bangsa
  32. SMK Harapan Bangsa 1, Kab. Bandung
  33. SMK Bina Taruna Purwakarta
    Jl. Industri Km. 4, Purwakarta
  34. SMK Sukamandi Subang
  35. SMK Bina Insan Bangsa
    Jl. Ngamprah No. 1A, RT 01 RW 09, Ds. Ngamprah, Kec. Ngamprah, Kab. Bandung Barat
  36. SMK LPT Ciamis, Kab. Ciamis
  37. SMK Al-Ihsan Pamarican, Kab. Bandung
  38. SMK AMS SIliwangi Banjarsari
    Banjarsari, Kab. Ciamis
  39. SMK Taruna Bangsa, Kab. Ciamis
  40. SMK Wyata Mandala 1, Cipatat
    Jl. Raya Cipatat, Kab. Bandung Barat
  41. SMK Bina Karya 2, Kab. Karawang
  42. SMK Tunatsu
    Jl. Cipatik Situwangi No. 64, Kec. Cihampelas, Kota Bandung Barat
  43. SMK Al-Hurriyah, Kab. Bandung
  44. SMK Tekmo, Ciamis
  45. SMK Wirakarya
    Jl. Raya Andir No. 17, Ciparay, Kab. Bandung

Automotive Trainers that we donated as part of our CSR programs were:

  • 14 units of Life Engine, 4 Stroke
  • 19 units of Life Engine, 2 Stroke
  • 13 units of Cut Away Double Differential / 4 WD
  • 5 units of Dead Engine, Petrol
  • 2 units of Cut Away Petrol, 2 Stroke 1 Cylinder
  • 2 units of Light Circuit Vehicle
  • 5 units of Cut Away Engine dan Chasis
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